Simple Gifts

I believe I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world; the Snoqualmie Valley. I get to see amazing things everyday. It's time to celebrate that. (You can view pictures in larger format by clicking on them)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

I call this my nature blog and focus on the 'gifts' of the natural world. Today, in honor of Memorial Day, I am thinking about the gift of life and freedom. I went to our local cemetary and I spent some time. I read grave stones. I have heard it said that Memorial Day has lost all meaning, but that's not what I saw. I watched a steady flow of visitors. Before I arrived, someone had collected the fallen blossums of the rhodendren and set them on graves of veterans. Someone had uncovered some graves that were being lost to vegetation. I put some blossums back and collected a few more placing them on graves that had been missed.

I took the pictures in the hope that someone else could share in the beauty and sadness of the cemetary. That someone else would pause for a moment to reflect on a life gone.

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